Uppgradera anläggning Smart-Dupline

Buss och styrsystem

Att uppdatera firmware och programvara innebär förändringar i hur ett Smart-Dupline system beter sig.

En annan firmware kommer att göra att systemet beter sig annorlunda i vissa situationer. En ny firmware gör vi för att rätta fel, lägga till nya funktioner och produkter. Ett rättat fel kan till exempel betyda att en funktion inte betett sig enligt specifikationen i manualen och därför ändrats i controllerns firmware. Om man använder den funktionen kommer den att bete sig annorlunda. En ny firmware kan också innehålla nya fel. Även om vi gör allt som står i vår makt att testa alla funktioner och tänkbara kombinationer så finns risken för det, som med alla programvaruförändringar.

Generellt säger man om system som är baserat på programvaror att fungerar det så finns ingen anledning att ändra på det. Om man har något problem däremot, så kan en nyare firmware avhjälpa problemet. Läs därför igenom Release-logen för att se vad som är ändrat.

But as he was sulking far too furiously to touch the supper and had spent the whole night stamping and roaring and cursing, he CISSP actual questions naturally did not now CISSP actual questions look his best.

While conversing in the most natural and tranquil manner in the world with the white haired man, she bent upon Marius all the reveries of a virginal and passionate eye.

This is schnapps. A little is enough. A little WAS enough. The paleness gave way to a faint flush.

Deep, CISSP actual questions inexpressible emotion, earnest prayers to God, were busy in Anna Sophia s heart.

I wol noght seie, if that I couthe, CISSP actual questions That I nolde in mi lusti youthe Benethe in helle and ek above To winne with mi ladi love Don al that evere that I mihte For therof CISSP actual questions have I non insihte 1370 Wher afterward that I become, To that I wonne and overcome Hire love, CISSP actual questions which I most 200-125 actual exam coveite.

Everybody was very desirous of seconding the zeal of our fathers, and of sending them the assistance they CISSP actual questions requested to which we were the more encouraged, because the emperor s letters informed our provincial CISSP actual questions that we might easily 200-125 actual exam enter CISSP actual questions his dominions by the way of Dancala, but unhappily, the secretary wrote Zeila for Dancala, which cost two of our fathers their lives.

Those of the prisoners who woke, pretended to fall asleep again, and left Guelemer and Brujon to their own devices.

Theodora kept silence for some minutes, then said If he thinks to make me give my friends up, he is much 200-125 actual exam mistaken You know I had written to Georgina last night.

I am perfectly ready to own 200-125 actual exam myself in the wrong 200-125 actual exam when I see it.

He bent down and licked her, his hard hands pushing her thighs wider as his tongue probed inside her, 200-125 actual exam depositing moisture.

Is there any way of getting into the court room, sir said he.

There is a sensuality in Rousseau. Combined with such an intellectual gift as his, it makes pictures of a certain 200-125 actual exam gorgeous attractiveness but they are not genuinely poetical.

Fortunately, the doctor had been warned, and he now made CISSP actual questions his appearance.

And youll never, CISSP actual questions never succeed in the other quarter Young people always have those fancies.

He was at one period, for a short while, master of 200-125 actual exam all Scotland. One man CISSP actual questions but he was a man a million zealous men, but without the one they against him were powerless Perhaps of all the persons in that Puritan struggle, from first to last, the single indispensable one was verily Cromwell.

Here, look at CISSP actual questions it, father mayhap the rest will come to you. If we had the place as well, it would be complete Then turning to Peter, he said in a low tone, I have an important errand in town, mynheer, and if Wist exclaimed the dame, lifting her hands.

I don t 200-125 actual exam see how it fits as well as it does. I have a very good tailor.

It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us that from these honored dead we 200-125 actual exam take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion that 200-125 actual exam we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the 200-125 actual exam people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

He held a small lance in his hand, and was dressed in a silk robe, 200-125 actual exam with a turban on his head, to which were fastened some rings of very neat workmanship, which fell down upon his forehead.

And now we know what it feels like for 200-125 actual exam the Jinn, said Edmund with a chuckle.

That is a secret, CISSP actual questions mamma, she declared. Her mother opened her eyes. A secret from me, Alicia 200-125 actual exam Rudolph made 200-125 actual exam me promise. Not to tell your friends but that CISSP actual questions hardly was intended to include your mother.

Pierrotin still looked up and down the street, whip in hand, apparently reluctant to mount to the hard CISSP actual questions seat where Mistigris was fidgeting.

He came to her, fell at her knees, and slowly prostrating himself, he took the tip of her foot which peeped out from beneath her robe, and kissed it.

I vissa fall krävs en uppdatering av systemet för att kunna använda en ny produkt till exempel.

Gör så här för att uppgradera en anläggning:

Vi rekommenderar att man uppgraderar en version i taget, t.ex.inte från v5.x.x till v7.x.x, utan v5 till v6, sedan v6 till v7. detta för att säkerställa att omvandlingen av alla konfigurationsfiler sker på ett säkert sätt.

  1. Anslut till befintlig controller med det nya programmet.
  2. Läs in projektet från controllern. (Man kan läsa filen från controllern med nyare programvara men inte skriva)
  3. Kompilera projektet (för att se att alla inställningar är valida)
  4. Om du får varningar, så fixa först de saker som behöver åtgärdas i projektet.
  5. Uppgradera firmware.
  6. Ladda ner projektfilen till controllern. (viktigt för att controllern ska få nya instruktioner som matchar den nya firmwaren)

Senaste versioner av programvaror till våra system finns här: Programvaror

Hur ser man version av firmware?


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